Sunday, September 20, 2009

Services Provided by Christy

Prenatal Care

The first visit includes a detailed medical and reproductive history and a full laboratory obstetric profile to analyze the client’s blood and rule out any present or future concerns. Prenatal visits occur once a month through 32 weeks gestation, every two weeks through 36 weeks gestation, and every week after that until the baby is born. Two of the visits in the last month are homevisits. The majority of the prenatal visits are spent chatting, answering questions, discussing the mom's emotional state, choices in care, and, really, whatever the mama or family wish to talk about. Prenatal visits are scheduled for one full hour. During the prenatal appointments, I also do such things as check the mother’s blood pressure and urine, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, and measure the size of the growing belly. During the last months of the pregnancy I also spend some time during each appointment doing Arvigo Technique Mayan Abdominal massage on the mom's abdomen/uterus and lower back/sacrum. All of this hands-on, in-depth care is very important to help build a strong, trusting relationship between the client, her family and the midwife. This is one of the cornerstones to midwifery care .

Birth Care

I come to the birth when both the mother and I feel it is time; usually during active labor. Often the mom and I have been in touch on a daily basis in the days preceding the birth. I bring another experienced midwife with me to help, whom you may meet during your prenatal care if you desire. I also bring essential equipment that may be used in emergency situations, such as oxygen, ambu-bag, and various other items. During labor, I can be attentive and provide emotional support, or stay in the background knitting while the mom goes through the labor journey; often it is a dance between the two. I try to take my cues from the mother and assist her in whatever way she needs. I stay after the birth a minimum of two hours to help the family,monitor both mom and baby, and help breastfeeding get off to a good start. Often I assist the mama and baby into a relaxing herbal bath. Many times the babies get very blissed out and the mama can sink into the hot cleansing water. The bath also provides a nice picture moment!

Postpartum & Infant Care

I visit with the new family in their home at 24 hours postpartum, three days postpartum, one to two weeks postpartum, and at my office eight weeks postpartum. The eight-week postpartum visit includes a Pap smear and a complete blood count. During these visits I check the mother’s healing and vital signs, as well as the baby’s weight, color, feedings, elimination, and vital signs. I also support the new family in caring for their baby and adjusting to their new life together. The postpartum visits are one of my favorite parts of my job. I love going back to visit the family, talk about their experience, laugh at funny things the older siblings have said, cry with them if the birth was harder or different than they expected, and basically support them with whatever it is they need at the moment. I usually find myself just staring at the baby and have to peel myself away and out the door.

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